Borrowed from the good folks over at Startup Core Strengths

Before the experiment

We believe that...

Write a hypothesis that contains a single risky assumption that can be tested and measured

Therefore we will...

Explain how you will test your hypothesis at a high level. Make sure the methodology is suitable.

We will measure...

Choose a success metric deep enough in the funnel to be meaningful (e.g. not “clicks”) and shallow enough that you can get your results quickly. If possible, what are those numbers before the experiment has begun? Include screenshots.

We are right if...

Make a prediction. Make it a specific numeric prediction. Everyone involved should make bets on what they think will happen.

Top reason for failing...

Conduct a pre-mortem. What are the reasons this experiment might fail? Think of second-order effects that can have an impact.

If this works then we will...

What action might you take?